Knights of Columbus Assembly 1127

The K of C 4th Degree BISHOP ADOLPH A MARX Assembly #1127 meets every second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 pm. at 525 Old Port Isabel Rd BROWNSVILLE, TX 78522 (956) 542-2951................ FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR AL SENTENO

Monday, July 25, 2005


Waiting on customers .......

Our present Commander Juan serves up a plate of tacos to our past Commander Fermin

Okay gentlemen lets get back to work .....

Okay thats two cokes, one sweet bread.........


Hey Joe, how about a hot cup of coffee?

Sir Knights who have made great contributions to our Assembly. Thank You for an outstanding example of Knighthood.

Okay, what else do I need to do ???

Sir Knights Unite for a worthy cause

Felo is happy to get his tostadas deluxe from our commander Juan

Luis makes the taco meat,,,,spicy.....

Brothers in the kitchen

Fernado is not afraid to wash dishes......

Hi I am Julian, may I take your order ......

Tostadas.....Buenas Y crunchy

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Federal Court Allows Knights
To Intervene in Pledge Lawsuit


Newdow Again Challenges Constitutionality of "Under God" in Pledge

U.S. District Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on July 18 granted a motion by the Knights of Columbus and seven individual Knights and their families to intervene in Newdow, et al v. Congress of the United States of America, et al.

The lawsuit is Michael Newdow's latest attempt to challenge the constitutionality of the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Judge Karlton granted the motion from the bench in a hearing in federal court in Sacramento, Calif.

The Knights of Columbus played a key role in persuading Congress to pass legislation adding "under God" to the Pledge in 1954. When President Eisenhower signed the bill on Flag Day, 1954, he wrote a letter to Supreme Knight Luke Hart thanking the Knights for their effort.

Newdow, whose earlier constitutional challenge to the Pledge was thrown out by the Supreme Court last year, filed a new lawsuit in January 2005. In that suit, he is joined by eight co-plaintiffs.

The Knights of Columbus filed a motion to join the case as "defendant intervenors" in May, asking that they be permitted to "protect their substantial interest in defending ... the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance that is recited daily in California's public schools."

In the earlier legal battle, the Knights of Columbus filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court, but did not directly participate.

"Now," Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said, "we will be able to join the fight inside the courtroom. We are proud to have had a central role in adding 'under God' to the Pledge 51 years ago, and are determined to do everything possible to defend it in this court challenge."

Both the individual Knights and their families and the Knights of Columbus as an organization are represented in the lawsuit by The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a Washington, D.C., public interest law firm that specializes in cases involving the free exercise of religion. The text of the legal documents in the case can be found at

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

meeting is scheduled for tonight 7/12/2005
at 8:00 pm at the KC hall.

Assembly 1127 had a successful night at our first bingo kitchen at the KC hall under the leadership of Faithful Navigator Al Senteno. FN Al had a ripping good time. We look forward to two more great nights at the Bingo kitchen in July. Enjoy the photos of the Brotherhood of Sir Knights at Assembly 1127

Monday, July 11, 2005

Past and Present Faithful Navigators reported for active kitchen duty. well at least kitchen duty .....

Faithful Navigator Al Senteno and Grand Knight Evaristo Gamez at the Bingo kitchen

Mr. Gamez and Flaco hard at work selling to the hungry public

Pan many choices .... Not to worry Luis will help you make the right choice.

Yes Julian that is cheese........

Past Faithful Navigators Juan and Ramiro enjoy a break after working hard in the kitchen

Yes Hector you are a great knight Now get back to work

I am not even a 4th degree and they have me working in the Kitchen.... Yes Hector you will make a great Sir Knight.... Now get back to work

Lets see if this burger is cooked..... Sorry we don't have fries....

Hey Joe can you spare a coke??

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Faithful Navigator Al Senteno (center) waits with members of the Ladies Aux. for the 4th of July parade to start

Sir Knights Vadlez, Castillo, Rodriguez, and Camarillo

Sir Knights Vadlez, Castillo, Rodriguez, and Camarillo lead the way for the 4th Degree at Brownsville's July 4th parade

The 4th Degree will meet on Tuesday 7-12-2005 at 8:00 pm