Knights of Columbus Assembly 1127

The K of C 4th Degree BISHOP ADOLPH A MARX Assembly #1127 meets every second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 pm. at 525 Old Port Isabel Rd BROWNSVILLE, TX 78522 (956) 542-2951................ FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR AL SENTENO

Monday, September 19, 2005

4th Degree honor guard enters Christ the King Church as part of the Knights of Columbus Council 1553 corporate communion. The Knights donated $1000.00 to the Church.

Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assmbley celebrated mass at Christ the King Church along with members of Council 1553, on Sunday Sept. 18, 2005

Commander Juan Gonzalez and Grand Knight Everaisto Gamez Present a Certificate of Recognition to Alter Server Martin Leal Jr. Son of Sir Knight Martin Leal Sr. and Angie Leal, also pictured Lazaro Leal.